Kaoma District is situated on a plateau, east of the Barotse Flood Plain. The District lies between longitudes 24o28” degrees and 24o25” degrees East and Latitude 14o40” degrees and 15o00” degrees South.
It borders with Mongu in the west and Nkeyema in the east, Lukulu in the northwest, Mufumbwe in the north–east and Luampa in the south.
The District has a total human population of 110,403 people (as per 2010 census) Out of which 53,456 are male and 56,947 are female representing 48% and 52%, respectively. The District has a growth rate of 1.5% (CSO, 2010).
Kaoma District has great potential for economic growth due to its endowment with plenty of natural resources such as fertile land, rivers, Barotse flood plains (gazetted UNHABITAT), swamps, and forests with spicies such as Mukula, Rose Wood and Mukwa trees. Its central location links it to various districts within Western and North Western Provinces. It provides a transit route for goods ferried from both Lusaka and North Western provinces to the rest of Western province and on to neighbouring countries Namibia and Angola. The District falls under two gazetted chiefs and has two constituencies namely Mangango and Kaoma central which are further subdivided into a total of sixteen wards represented by male and female councillors. The District Economic mainstay comprise Agriculture, Timber production, trading, parastatal firms such as ZESCO & ZAMTEL and other line Ministries. These economic activities have led to the steady growth of the population in Kaoma.
Our vision is to become a sustainable middle income, socially and economically developed district by 2024. This entails spearheading 3 local economic developments and attracting foreign investment in the District.
To improve the quality of life of the people of Kaoma through the development of a sustainable economic, environment and the provision of quality affordable social services and infrastructure, with the active participation of all stakeholders.
Kaoma Town Council,
P.O, Box 940010,
Civic Centre drive,
Kaoma, Zambia.
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